Constitution and By-Laws


 Article I. Name:

The name of this organization shall be “The Aircraft Armament Chiefs Association”, hereinafter referred to as AACA or “The Armament Chiefs Association”. The Armament Chiefs Association, with members worldwide, is headquartered in Okaloosa County, Florida. The AACA mailing address is Aircraft Armament Chiefs Association, 5361 Park Place, Crestview, Florida 32539.


Article II. Purpose:

Section 1. The purpose of the Association shall be to encourage and facilitate camaraderie among all Aircraft Armament Chiefs.

Section 2. Organize and conduct a periodic reunion of the membership.

Section 3. Provide useful services to the membership and promote the welfare of their dependents, survivors and the Aircraft Armament Community.


Article III. Status:

Section 1. The Association shall be a not-for-profit organization operated exclusively for the purposes specified in Article II.

Section 2. Elected officers shall not receive any stated compensation for their services; however, the President of the Association may, as required, authorize reimbursement of expenses incurred by elected officers, and any other member so designated by the President, in the conduct of the Association’s business.

Section 3. The Association shall use its funds only to accomplish the purposes specified in Article II.

Section 4. Nothing herein shall constitute members of the Association as partners for any purpose. No officer, member, or agent of the Association shall be liable for the acts or failure to act on the part of any other officer, member, or agent. Nor shall any officer, member or agent be liable for his acts or failure to act under these by-laws, excepting acts or omissions to act of willful malfeasance.

Section 5. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, and after discharge of all its liabilities, the remaining assets shall be transferred to the CMSgt. Gregory A. Kebil Memorial Scholarship Fund.



Article IV. Membership and Voting Rights:

Section 1. The Regular membership of the Association shall be comprised of and limited to USAF Aircraft Armament Chief Master Sergeants (CMSgt) to include both retired and active duty personnel, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserves, and those Senior Master Sergeants (SMSgt) with a line number for CMSgt whose association dues are current and not delinquent.   Only regular members, whose association dues are current, have voting rights in the organization. Aircraft Armament Chiefs are CMSgt’s and SMSgt’s with a line number for CMSgt in the 2W1/ 462 Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC).

Section 2. Associate membership may be granted to retired Air Force, Guard and Reserve Aircraft Armament specialists below the rank of Chief Master Sergeant. Associate membership may also be accorded to officers who previously held enlisted rank in the 2W1/ 462 AFSCs. To be accepted for associate membership, a candidate must receive sponsorship by a minimum of five regular members and approved by a majority of the Association Officers. Associate members may attend organizational meetings and reunions but do not have voting rights. To be considered in good standing, associate members must also pay dues.

Section 3. Honorary Membership may be accorded anyone sponsored by five members and approved by a majority of the Association membership. This category of membership should be reserved for those who are not eligible for either of the other membership categories but have made great contributions to the Aircraft Armament community or the Armament Chiefs Association. Honorary members may attend meetings and reunions of the Association but are not eligible to vote and do not pay dues.

Section 4. Widows or widowers of members may, upon their request, continue to participate in Association activities.

Section 5.  Aircraft Armament Chiefs Association (AACA) Eligibility

AACA eligibility standards and rules:

  • An individual who obtained the rank of Chief Master Sergeant as a 462XX or 2W1XX in the Active, Reserve, or Air National Guard
  • An individual who has been selected as either an associate or an honorary member
  • All members must have been honorably discharged if served in the armed forces

Exceptions:  Individuals who once resided in the 462/2W1 career field and were unable to return to AFSC (i.e. involuntarily Crossflows, AFSC mergers) will be considered on a case by case basis by the Board of Directors (BOD). Individuals who request to be members of the AACA must provide 462/2W1 historical background (i.e. EPR) and a reason as to why they would like to serve as part of the Aircraft

Armament Chiefs Association. Individuals may have AACA members as a sponsor or provide witness of their aircraft armament career. If membership approval is obtained (majority vote of the BOD) the individuals will have full voting rights, unlike honorary members. If individuals left the career field voluntarily and made Chief in another AFSC, then the only way to become a member would be as an honorary member and must meet the AACA respective criteria. All members must have been honorably discharged if they served in the armed forces.



Article V. Dues and Donations:

Section 1. Annual dues are $20.00 for each regular and associate member. The Association Officers will establish an operating budget and subsequently assess the amount of dues required to sustain the Association. The membership will ratify this assessment of dues.

Section 2. A member may elect to become a life member by paying $200.00 at any time to the Association Treasurer. If annual dues have already been paid, Lifetime Membership will be reduced by the amount of annual dues paid for that year.

Section 3. Dues are payable January 1st of each year and shall be paid no later than January 31st to maintain membership status. Dues may be paid annually or once for a lifetime membership.

Section 4. Members dropped from the rolls for non-payment of dues may be reinstated upon payment of lapsed dues plus a nominal record processing charge.

Section 5. In addition to dues, the Association will accept any/all donations from its regular, associate and honorary members. The donations will be used for the purposes outlined in Article II.


Article VI. Meetings and Elections: 

Section 1. Meetings will be scheduled and conducted to allow maximum participation of all Association members. Meetings will fall into several categories:

  1. Periodic Reunion: This is a meeting of the general membership at a site to be selected by the BOD. The purpose of this meeting is to achieve one of the prime purposes for the existence of this Association, the camaraderie and fellowship of association members.
  2. General Membership Meetings: These are meetings of the general membership to review the  conduct of association business and activities and to determine member support for specific  changes, proposals, and activities. General membership meetings will be held as necessary as determined by the Association President. General membership meetings will be announced sufficiently in advance to allow maximum participation. A general membership meeting may be held in conjunction with the Periodic Reunion. Prior to a General Membership meeting the convening authority will present the membership with a proposed agenda of items to be discussed and voted upon. This agenda may be mailed to each Association Member or posted on the Internet at the Armament Chiefs Association Web Site –
  3. Officers Meeting: These are meetings of Association Officers and are held as deemed necessary by  the President of the Association. The President will assure all officers are notified sufficiently in advance of meetings and meetings are scheduled to accommodate officers’          schedules to the greatest extent possible. A quorum of four officers is needed to have the results of a meeting be binding on Association members. The Secretary will record minutes of these meetings and members present.
  4. Working Group meetings may be called as deemed necessary by the Association President or the person designated to carry out a specific Association function. As with other meetings, consideration should be given to allow sufficient notice to allow maximum member               participation.

Section 2. Elections: The President and the Secretary elections will convene every two years not in conjunction with Vice President and Treasurer elections.  The Vice President and Treasurer elections will convene the following year after the President and Secretary elections.  This will allow continuity to exist within the BOD.  Elections of Association Officers will normally be held every two years during the month of October or on a date designated by the association President. If possible, elections will be held in conjunction with a reunion. Regular members in good standing who are not able to attend general membership meetings /reunion may cast proxy votes or absentee ballots. The Association Officers will determine how absentee and proxy voting will be conducted. The Association President certifies all candidates for election are regular members in good standing, are qualified, and are nominated and seconded for the open board position. The Association Secretary will announce all candidates running for election sufficiently in advance of the election. The Association Officers will announce when nominations for positions to be vacated will be accepted and when nominations close. All voting for officers will be completed on the date specified for the election, to include the counting of absentee ballots and proxy votes. Nominated individuals must be informed and agree to hold the open position in writing.  The winner(s) of election are those individuals who have received the largest number of votes for each open board position.  Election winners assume the post for which they were elected on the 1st day of January of the year following the year in which they won election.


Article VII. Officers:

Section 1. Association Officers: The BOD will comprise the Association Officers. The Association Officers will be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief-at-Arms/Orator, and three Directors-At-Large. Association officers serve a two-year term and may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. The terms Association Officers and BOD are used interchangeably.

  1. The Association President executes the day-to-day activities of the Association pursuant to Article II of these by-laws. He or she is empowered to commit Association Funds consistent with the budget established by the Association Officers, contract on behalf of the Association, and otherwise obligate Association resources. The Association President has the authority to delegate specific purchasing, contracting and the ability to obligate Association resources to  other Association officers, members or agents. The Association President also calls meetings of the association as needed to assure the timely conduct of

Association endeavors and forms committees to formulate plans and carry out assignments. The Association President identifies regular members, subject to confirmation of Association Officers, as replacements for Association officers who vacate their office before the end of their terms. Prematurely vacated AACA offices will be filled by normal election procedures during the next election by the general membership .The Association President also serves as the Chairman of the Annual Reunion Committee. At least once each year the president will advise members of the state of The Association, major projects undertaken, and courses being pursued.

  1. The Association Vice President assists the Association President in carrying out the duties specified in paragraph a. above. The Vice President assumes the office of President in the event the President terminates his/her office before the expiration of his/her term, is incapacitated or is not available to carry out his/her function for any normally scheduled event.
  2. The Association Secretary records the minutes of all Association meetings and makes these minutes available to the membership either through hard copy mailings or by posting to an internet site as determined by the board of directors. The Secretary also maintains the               Association membership rolls.
  3. The Association Treasurer maintains records of all Association funds and financial transactions. At least once each year the Treasurer will report major expenditures and the beginning and ending balances of Association accounts to Association members either in a hard               copy mailing or by posting on an internet site as designated by the board of directors. The Treasurer will ensure Association accounts are maintained in a current status and reconciled within 14 working days of receipt of monthly bank statements. The Treasurer will make the  Association books available for review as determined by the board of directors.
  4. The Chief-at-Arms/Orator is responsible for maintaining proper conduct at meetings. The incumbent is also responsible for securing, accounting for and maintaining association property. The Chief-at-Arms may recruit such assistance as necessary to carry out these functions. Assists the President in maintaining order at meetings and other functions by steering discussions consistent with what is germane to the issue being discussed. The incumbent must be well grounded in Roberts Rules of Order ( and assists the President maintain the flow of business at Association meetings.
  5. Three Directors-At-Large. These individuals perform such functions as directed by the President.

Section 2. Reporting. The BOD will, to the greatest extent possible, conduct Association business with the consent of the membership. At least once each year the President will advise the members of the state of the Association to include the financial status, major endeavors undertaken, and present a budget for the next year’s operation.

Section 3. An Association Project Team (APT) will work directly with the vice president and have the responsibilities of managing the website, historical research, and media (photos, videos, presentations).  The APT will consist of 4 members (Team lead, and the website, historian, and media managers) who will work with the vice president.



Article VIII Accounting for Association Funds:

The Association Officers, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, may, by resolution, authorize any officer or agent of the Association to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Unless so authorized, no officer, agent, or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement or to pledge its credit or to render it liable monetarily for any purpose or in any amount.

Section 1. Checks and Notes: Except as otherwise specifically determined by resolution of the Association Officers, or as otherwise required by law, checks, drafts, promissory notes, orders for the payment of money, and other evidence of indebtedness of the Association shall be signed by any two elected officers.

Section 2. Deposits: All funds of the Association shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Association in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Association Officers may select.  The Association Officers may accept on behalf of the Association any contribution, gift, bequest, or devise for the charitable or public purposes of this Association.

Section 3. Audits: The President will appoint two BOD members to accomplish an audit of the Account during the month of December each year. The treasurer will assist the auditors in any way possible. A report of findings will be sent/given to the President as soon as the audit is completed. The President will present this report to the BOD at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Association.


Article IX. Association Chapters: 

The Association President, with the consent of the majority of the BOD, may establish Aircraft Armament Chiefs Association Chapters as may be appropriate throughout the country and in overseas area(s). These Chapters will be governed by separate Memorandums of Understanding, as attachments to the By-Laws.


Article X. Amending the Constitution and By-Laws:

Section 1. Members may have the Association Constitution and By-Laws amended by submitting proposed changes, additions, or deletions in writing to the Association president. The President presents proposed changes to the BOD for their review and consideration. Those proposals receiving approval of the majority of the board of directors will then be submitted to the Association Members for consideration and approval or rejection, either via email, on the Web Site, or at the next general membership meeting. Those proposals receiving majority support (vote) of members will be added to the Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 2. The President will appoint a committee to review the Constitution and By-Laws, as necessary, to ensure they are accurate and reflect the way the Association conducts business. (Note: A copy of changes to the Constitution and By-Laws must be submitted to the IRS).

Section 3. The President, with the concurrence of the BOD, may authorize minor corrections to the Constitution and By-Laws such as corrections of spelling and numbering of paragraphs without bringing these changes to a vote of the membership.

Signed:  Michael D. Lucchesi, 1 March 2013.



Memorandum of Understanding for Chapters:  Aircraft Armament Chief’s Association

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) For Chapters 05/10/2011


The Aircraft Armament Chiefs Association encourages the creation of chapters outside of a 50 mile radius of Crestview, Florida.  This Memorandum provides guidance for the creation of chapters

  1. Groups desiring to establish an AACA chapter must submit their request to AACA headquarters. Requests must include the following information:
  2. Founding members
  3. Draft Chapter Constitution
  4. Officer positions & incumbents of those positions.
  5. The Aircraft Armament Chiefs Association will grant a certificate of charter to each group approved to establish a chapter. (See attached form)
  6. A minimum of 2 active or retired Aircraft Armament Chiefs, who are AACA members in good standing, are required to form a chapter.
  7. Chapters must have a minimum of two officers, a President and a Secretary.
  8. AACA dues will be paid at the current rate to the AACA by all chapter members. Chapter members are AACA members first; and chapter members second.
  9. Chapters may collect dues and/or raise funds of their own for chapter activities.
  10. Chapters will, as a minimum, submit a yearly report, no later than 31 January to the AACA, identifying the past years’ activities, club financial transactions (beginning & end balances, as a minimum) and future activities/endeavors.
  11. Chapter names and logos will follow the AACA. For example, AACA Virginia Chapter or AACA National-Capitol Chapter, etc.)
  12. Chapters must have a formal business meeting at least twice a year.
  13. Chapters must send a copy of their approved Constitution and By-Laws to the AACA Hq for info/review/file. An updated/revised chapter Constitution & By-Laws will be provided to the AACA within 30 days after any update or revision.
  14. Chapter Termination. If for any reason, a chapter is terminated, the Chapter President will forward a Chapter termination letter to the AACA Hq, identifying the reason(s) for termination, date of termination, and the financial health of the Chapter at termination. The Chapter will pay all financial obligations before termination can take effect.

This MOU was approved by a majority of the Board of Directors on   04/15/2011

Signed by Peter J. Romeo, Interim President.


Certificate of Charter (Sample):

(Attachment 1)



AACA Associate Member Nomination Procedures


  1. The AACA was established and founded to fraternally join retired and Active Duty Aircraft Armament Chief Master Sergeants. These two factors, in addition to having been an Aircraft Armament Specialists and a Chief Master Sergeant provide the sole basis for membership into the organization.  These are the only factors used to establish eligibility to become a regular member or officer of this organization.  However, the founders of the AACA realize there are those retired 2W1/462’s who do not meet the eligibility criteria, but should be given special consideration and permitted to join the organization as Associate Members.  The following establishes the criteria and procedure for submitting those individuals as well as the approval process.


  1. In order for a person to be considered for associate membership in the AACA they must have made substantial contributions to the Aircraft Armament career field which merit special deliberation. Additionally, the individual submitted must be willing to become an active member of the AACA, honoring and respecting all rules and bylaws set forth by the organization.  It is imperative that they uphold the traditions and good name of the AACA and serve proudly and actively as associate members.  The key criteria for consideration is the individual’s contribution to and furtherance of the Aircraft Armament career field.


  1. Requests for Associate Membership must be accompanied by specific information to determine a nominees eligibility. The additional time required preparing and supporting the submission displays clearly to the AACA that the submitter(s) feel strongly about the submission and that the individual is deserving of the consideration.  To submit an individual for consideration to become an associate member a written application is required and will be submitted to the AACA secretary.  The application may be submitted in any format by electronic means or through the postal system.  It is the submitter’s responsibility to insure and verify that the secretary receives the application.  As a minimum the application must contain the following information:
  2. Date submitted:
  3. Name and address of individual being submitted for consideration:
  4. AACA member(s) submitting the proposal: (Note: more than one individual can submit a request)
  5. AACA Members who support the proposal: (Must have a minimum of five members supporting the proposal)
  6. Rank or position the individual served as: (Example; SMSgt Armament Troop, NCOIC, Superintendent)
  7. Justification: Establish the basis why this individual should be admitted as an AACA associate member. Highlight contributions and any supporting information.


  1. After the application is submitted it will be provided to the BOD. It takes a unanimous approval of the BOD for approval to become an associate member.  If the BOD does not unanimously agree a written response will be provided to the submitter stating why the application was rejected. The submitter will have the opportunity to present additional justification for reconsideration of the application.  This justification must be received within 60 days of the notice of disapproval to be considered.  If the BOD still does not support the application after reviewing the additional information the application is dead and will not be considered any further.


  1. After an application is approved, the AACA Secretary will notify the approved applicant that he/she is eligible to join as an associate member. The approved individual has 30 days from notification to complete the application and pay the annual dues to become an AACA associate member.  An approved member who does not complete the membership process within 30 days of being notified of his/her approval to become a member will not be considered again for membership.  Extenuating circumstances that preclude completing the membership process will be considered. The associate member has a responsibility to remain an active member keeping dues updated and upholding the proud traditions of the AACA.  If the associate member should fail to do such, he/she can be considered for termination from the organization.


  1. The AACA is a unique and professional organization and one factor that contributes to these attributes is the limited membership. These procedures are not meant to discourage or eliminate any potential AACA associate members, but to simply insure the organization maintains its high standards and only admits the most deserving among its rank